Indoor Air Quality Matters to Employees and Customers

Survey finds more than 70% of North Americans concerned about poor air quality in facilities

The coronavirus pandemic has left the majority of North Americans feeling anxious about entering buildings they believe may have poor indoor air quality (IAQ). 

The survey of 3,000 U.S. and Canadian adults discovered that 76% would consider joining the “Great Resignation” if their employees did not guarantee wellness factors such
as healthy IAQ, work-life balance, and proper workplace cleanliness. The survey found:


    • 70% of survey respondents think their workplace air quality needs improving
    • 39% describe the current condition of their workplace’s IAQ as either average, poor, or bad 
    • 69% said their workspaces need better investment in health, hygiene, and safety in 2022 and beyond, while 62% said the same about restaurants and businesses. 
    • 57% said workspace environments have become more important to them since the pandemic.
    • 48% list better air hygiene as important, while 43 value spaces designed with wellness and health in mind.